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Water pollution camera logger v1

Ocean pollution is a massive problem. Over the last 50 years the world is slowly being choked with waste plastic and other discarded materials and chemicals (#1). Eventually these are breaking down  particles are are being ingested (#2). This has had a dramatic effect on the marine biodiversity around the world.

Monitor, learn and solve
There are many elements that have contributed to this situation and we are only learning about the possible future effects. In order to understand more about this problem, we need to monitor where pollution is coming from, how it collects and where it goes. By popping in a floating camera logger into the pollution, it will record visual (HD stills) and sensor data as it traverses the earth. This valuable data could then be transmitted via satellite to help understand more. The visual data could then be processed through AI software that could measure evolution of pollution.


  • Concept - A 360 degree floating camera that films regular HD footage and logs pollution as it is carried by the currents around the world. The advanced logger is self powered with solar and articulated spring and float system generating enough power to to log for long periods at a time. The system logs, tracks, transmits pollution data LIVE around the world.
  • Technology - The internal technology is a combination of HD cameras, depth sensors, solar regulator, rechargeable battery with solar and float piston power generation. Externally made of stainless construction with UV proof resilient non toxic rubber coating.
  • Pros - Contains sensors to record data and combines this with still images to give powerful amount of useful data. The visual aspect is hugely powerful when run through AI software as well as raising awareness globally.
  • Cons - Adding more things floating in the ocean! Will need to be of rubber construction to create little damage or impact to the environment and other sea users.
  • Commercial - The idea could be developed with as open source framework or funded with sponsorship.
By using technology like this, we can see more, learn and hopefully solve more.

Please share and comment below. Thank you. Mike

Links #

  2. Research papers by Exeter University including:

Copyright - Mike Nash 2019


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