Every business needs a huge resource of input, from ideas to financial input. However, sometimes this is limited by what is available. A solution may be in block chains.
Each company could measure the success of the input and assign percentages.
Win Win all-round.
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Copyright - Mike Nash 2019
Most business's cannot afford the expertise to have in house. One option around this is to use the power of the block-chain and develop a new way of driving business innovation.
Block chain
A block chain is a documented chain of events that add up to an end result. How about having a way of floating ideas, they are then developed socially and as ideas are reviewed and adopted, they become part of the dna of the product or company. Depending if this an idea, investment or labour, a proportion of the profits will dissected amongst the whole chain. This way, you could get many invisible contributors to companies helping them grow and prosper without any outlay.Each company could measure the success of the input and assign percentages.
Win Win all-round.
Copyright - Mike Nash 2019
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