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Block chain business development

Every business needs a huge resource of input, from ideas to financial input. However, sometimes this is limited by what is available. A solution may be in block chains. Idea Most business's cannot afford the expertise to have in house. One option around this is to use the power of the block-chain and develop a new way of driving business innovation.  Block chain A block chain is a documented chain of events that add up to an end result. How about having a way of floating ideas, they are then developed socially and as ideas are reviewed and adopted, they become part of the dna of the product or company. Depending if this an idea, investment or labour, a proportion of the profits will dissected amongst the whole chain. This way, you could get many invisible contributors to companies helping them grow and prosper without any outlay. Each company could measure the success of the input and assign percentages. Win Win all-round. Please feel free to share and comme...

Cloud based control

Having the ability to take information and then set an action is so important.  Long has the day when technology worked in isolation. Today, technology needs to sweat a bit more, integrate and give higher return of investment. The idea Have a cloud based system that takes inputs and processes actions. Ie you may want a water management system that triggers an action if certain variables are met. ie if water = 2m then do this and that. The concept is the cloud based system can be deployed anywhere where there is access. It could be a perfect way of integrating with older technology and newer systems. The system can be based on a open source and easy to integrate with old and new technology.  Please feel free to share and comment below. Copyright - Mike Nash 2019

Robotic tractors with AI cloud based GPS automation

The new decade will demand more AI automation. This will included all industries where there is a higher demand on labour. One such need is farming.  Future farming Most farms can be run remotely including all the crop and land management. One big area is using GPS guided mini tractors. There will be a time when tractors will be programmed and set off to perform certain tasks around the farm including drilling, spraying and cultivation. The need To have an accurate way of managing land at arms length. Most land is monitored for yield, the next step is to have AI operated technology for accuracy and cost reduction. The answer Use self-automated mini robotic tractors. The tractors are connected to cloud based controllers, where farmers have full control. Already, farms are monitored for yield and efficiency, the next step will be to connect this to program that manages the program for the field. The steps Setup up details for fields State what you would like to grow ...

XML IP parser

There is crying need for legacy systems to talk to modern databases. What is needed is an XML parser Analogue to digital Most systems have an analogue output consisting of a straight forward 0/1 wire. All the that is needed is to connect this to a PI/Ardiuno XML parser. This allows the signal to be converted to an XML data signal and connect to the web. This can easily be done by Raspberry Pi OR Arduino. The system is designed to take most signal inputs and output it directly to a push XML signal. This can then either be transmitted via internet to connect to either an existing database or trigger or an action. Uses This is perfect for interfacing legacy technology with new systems or IFTTT systems. Ie for example in the UK there is movement to integrate all vehicle monitoring equipment to online government systems. This can now be done easily. Please feel free to share and comment below. Copyright - Mike Nash 2019

Don't panic! The social digital police is coming

The explosion of user generated content is creating a tidal wave of transgressions in our ever changing society. Whether its illegal activity or deep fake propaganda, the volume will test the integrity of new media technology and its possible risk in destabilising society.  The speed and volume of content is swamping authorities and network providers which are struggling to keep up. The only way to resolve this is to have a universal flagging system to highlight problematic content. This could appear alongside content. If you see an issue simply push the alert button and the content is highlighted to be reviewed. The higher the volumes of alerts the bigger priority. In order to administer this content, vast 'Digital guardian angels' will be created to review this content. Whether they are human or AI police bots, these digital police will play a pivotal roll upholding the integrity of the web as well as minimising exposure to such content. They will be either paid as a...

Proroguing - Language comes and goes

Today is a word that has bombarded the media. Proroguing is a word that I have not come across before. It came to light when the UK prime minister has used this unique part of parliamentary legislation - Proroguing What is it? 'Proroguing: verb - discontinue a session of (a parliament or other legislative assembly) without dissolving it.' - Oxford dictionary Who, what, when Looking at the usage history of the word, it seems like it was massive in the 1800's. As time marches on, society evolves, language changes. The nice thing with technology, we can see and compare the frequency of words in literature. Use of proroguing in literature over time Trending Although this word is not new, it is very specific and probably the reason why it is has been harder to slip into general literature and conversation. Try may trend once again. Please feel free to share and comment below. Copyright - Mike Nash 2019

iAi - Intelligent Artificial Intelligence

We are in the exciting new frontier of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is hidden in a lot technology and is revolutionising the way we work, or not work so to speak. The machine learning helps cut time, save money as it works tirelessly without needing a toilet break. Where is it going? INTELLIGENCE + AI  = iAi As we rely more on machine based deep learning, there are going to be future issues that will need to be addressed. Who will police it? Like AI injustice for example. Where AI has made a judgement and it is simply wrong, but what can be done about it! Questions will be asked - Is the AI decision correct, fair or legal? There is a solution. I envisage this injustice will manifest in a new service 'Intelligent Artificial Intelligence' checkers or iAi for short! AI police I can see iAi will becoming a societal safety net, spotting blips, wrong decisions or any coding issues that shape potentially bad decisions. It could possibly become another police force in th...