There is crying need for legacy systems to talk to modern databases. What is needed is an XML parser Analogue to digital Most systems have an analogue output consisting of a straight forward 0/1 wire. All the that is needed is to connect this to a PI/Ardiuno XML parser. This allows the signal to be converted to an XML data signal and connect to the web. This can easily be done by Raspberry Pi OR Arduino. The system is designed to take most signal inputs and output it directly to a push XML signal. This can then either be transmitted via internet to connect to either an existing database or trigger or an action. Uses This is perfect for interfacing legacy technology with new systems or IFTTT systems. Ie for example in the UK there is movement to integrate all vehicle monitoring equipment to online government systems. This can now be done easily. Please feel free to share and comment below. Copyright - Mike Nash 2019
Future Spark is written by Mike Nash - CEO of Featuring future technology, ideas, science thoughts and concepts. Designed to spark a better future.